Ghosts of children who haunt me at Christmas
In the winter of 2015, the child we were expecting–he or she would have been our second–died in the womb. I sat on the stairs and cried great, gulping sobs that made my head light and my heart heavy as a tombstone.
I’ve cried that way again this year as I’ve read about the children being murdered and tortured–tortured!–in Syria.
Those children–and so many more (remember Sandy Hook)–are the ghosts who haunt me this Christmas.
I will not avoid or ignore them. I will not pretend that they’re not there.
I will not try to distract myself by consuming more cookies and gifts and Hallmark Christmas movies.
I will not excuse myself (“that’s not my problem”).
But what will I do?
What do you think I should do? We should do?
Can we do anything?
Here are a few ideas going through my mind as I carry those children in my heart this Christmas:
I will love the little boy sleeping...