Christianity 101: Choose unfair

Choosing Christianity is choosing the short end of the stick.

On purpose.

In a world that demands fairness, you choose what is unfair to yourself.

In a world that defends privileges and demands rights, you give them up.

In a world that sues for justice, you let your perpetrators off the hook.

The story of Jesus Christ is no comfort if you’re looking to make a case for what you think you deserve. The founder and namesake of Christianity gave away what little he had and made no effort to get more.

You can do no better if you wish to associate with him.

The cheerful choice to give up what we have and what we are owed is what makes us Christian in this world.

It is our choice to forgive, show mercy, and practice grace that is the last hope of humanity. Choosing the short end of the stick is precisely what Jesus Christ commissioned us to do. It is precisely what it means to be the “light of the world” and the “salt of the earth.”

The world rips itself blinds itself demanding “eye for eye” and starves itself demanding “tooth for tooth.”

Christians, however, do this:

“Do resist an evil person. If someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also; if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well; and if someone forces you to go with him one mile, go with him two. Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.”–Jesus Christ as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 5, verses 38 to 42.

This is Christianity that will save the world.

So the rich give away their possessions to the poor who did not earn them.

The powerful give away their privileges to those who cannot repay them.

The popular give up their fame to fellowship with those the world hides.

The victims of exploitation, injustice, and oppression forgive their abusers.

This is how Jesus Christ saves the world. You can do no better.

Christianity cannot start with the question: “What is in it for me?”

Do you wish to be light of the world and salt of the earth like Jesus Christ?

Start here: What forgiveness, what grace, and what mercy has be given to you? Go and do likewise.


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