What to do (and what not to do) first thing in the morning

Do make sure you wake up before anyone can make demands on your time. If the kids wake up at 7 o'clock, make sure you’re awake at 6:30.

Do not look at your phone. DO NOT LOOK AT YOUR PHONE.

Do not get online to look at email, the news, or social media.


Do not turn on the TV. DO NOT TURN ON THE TV.

Do make a cup of coffee if that’s your thing. Smell the coffee brewing. Listen to it bubble and drip. Feel the warm mug in your hand. Savor that first hot sip of “Good-morning.”

Then sit down in the calmest, quietest place you know in your home. Take out some paper and a pen. Start writing all the things that happened the day before for which you are thankful.

When the page is full of thanks, turn it over. Write down the names of some people in your life and, as you do, whisper a prayer of blessing over them.

Now you’re ready to face the day.

You’ll be amazed how this simple little habit will change your life over time.

Grace and peace.


Now read this

What I wrote about Christians who believed in Donald Trump

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting…but as it is, my kingdom is not from here” (Gospel of John 18:36). On January 7, 2021, I posted about Donald Trump and... Continue →