Life is made for life; the world is not.
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash
The world does not care that I like to write for an hour (or two or three) in the morning. The world does not even notice that this is a thing for me.
The world is not made for my health and well-being.
The world–so corrupt, off-balance, sick, and wasteful–cannot do anything but make it easier for me to be corrupt, off-balance, sick, and wasteful, too.
Life, however, is made for beauty, creativity, curiosity, discovery, health, kindness, love, and wonder. Life is made for my health and well-being.
If I want all for which life is made, I won’t get it from the world.
I won’t get it from the world’s economics, entertainment, media, politics, religion, technology, or what passes for “wisdom.”
I won’t get abundant life from following the world’s ways because the world is set up to exploit me. Take from me. Use me.
I’m worth something to the...