When joy and sadness live together…and why I haven’t posted since August
Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash
Have you ever had a “first Christmas without [insert the name of a family member or friend who died]?”
When people asked you how you were doing, what did you say to them?
I suppose what you felt and said depended on the person who died and your relationship to her or him. If you felt that your relationship with her or him was good and whole, maybe you felt some contentment and gratitude in your grief. If you felt that the person died before you had a chance to make things right or whole, maybe regret made your grief bitter.
When my dad died about seven months ago, our relationship was complete, full, whole. Neither of us had regrets. We didn’t leave anything unsaid. As sad and traumatic as it felt to go through it, our parting was as good as a parting can be.
But I am sad. Very sad.
At Christmas, my sister-in-law asked about my state of...