What would you do if you could go back?
Not in the sense of “The One Who Got Away.”
More like your own personal “Golden Age.”
Anthropology and scientific research proves that we all do it: Long for a golden yesteryear when everything was better, everything was right.
Being part of my son growing up (he’s three years old now) is causing frequent flashbacks to my own boyhood.
For just an instant, I’m back there again. Trying out my new swing set in the big, sunny yard behind the yellow house on Revere Road in Akron, Ohio. My parents are there: Flush with the confidence and energy of newlyweds starting out in life.
The memory feels like warm gold.
And then it cuts like a knife. Those people and that place are gone forever, fading like the signal from a satellite moving beyond the solar system.
Grief–it has to be grief–is the aftertaste of the sweetest memory.
You have memories like this. Sometimes you visit them. As...