You may already have what you always wanted

Yesterday, I found out my dreams have come true.

I made it to 40.

I’m married to a loving, loyal, and interesting–pardon the expression–MILF. And she’ll eventually forgive me for writing that.

My son is a fantastic little boy with who alternately likes to bodyslam me like a 33-pound WWE wrestler or curl up in my lap like a puppy dog.

Beautiful, connected, educated, influential, popular people want to hang out with me.

I earn a living doing work I love with a growing and profitable company I started myself.

I belong to an excellent church that manages to suit my conservative upbringing and liberal tendencies at the same time.

I own a nice home within walking distance of a trendy little downtown in suburban Detroit.

My Starbucks card automatically reloads itself when the balance drops below $10.

My life is everything I dreamed and hoped and prayed it would be when I was gnawing on pizza bones in the college dorm 20 years ago.

I have no reasons to not overflow with contentment, gratitude, and joy.

Even more, I have no excuses to not be generous, kind, and patient.

I dwell daily on these words of Jesus Christ: “To him who is given much, much will be expected in return.”

I have been given eyes of faith to see that God has given me all I ever needed and wanted.

May he give me heart and mind and muscle to cheerfully give it all back.


Now read this

Sweetness of shadows

I’ve called the month after our son was born my “personal Vietnam” (I beg the pardon of my father-in-law and anyone who served in the real Vietnam). In those 30 days, I brought two strangers home to a house that was itself a stranger to... Continue →