
Your time is running out and you cannot, cannot, cannot get more.

The things you do to “get more time” (an illusion or an outright lie) may decrease the quality of the time you have left.

It’s the law of diminishing returns. You waste more time trying to find time that is impossible to find because your life on this earth is finite.

Could it be that what you’re doing to “make more time” (either today or at the end of your life) is just a way to avoid doing what you know you should be doing right now?

And what is that?

It’s not doing more chores and working more hours.

Do you want to know what you should be doing with the time you have right now? Ask yourself: What am I afraid to do?

Dance? Paint? Sing? Travel? Write?

Love somebody like I’ve never loved anybody before?

Let someone love me like I’ve never been loved before?

Reconcile with someone who lost my love (or whose love I lost)?

Do the things I daydream (but always thought were for someone else, not for me)?

You can’t make time, so take time. Today.


Now read this

The morning after

It’s morning in America. November 9, 2016, to be exact. I just saw the news (and I don’t need to tell you what news I’m talking about). My four-year old son, Daniel, has the croup. I went to bed early expecting to be up a few times... Continue →