What I’ll do if Clinton wins

When I get up at 5:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 9, I’ll do my morning journaling and writing. I’ll make breakfast for Daniel (Waffle Wednesday!) and get us both ready for the day. We’ll make the 30-minute commute to Daniel’s preschool. After I hug and kiss my boy goodbye, I’ll pick up a coffee and head to the office. There, I’ll fill a page with a list of things for which I’m thankful that day. I’ll jot down a few prayer petitions for people in my life. I’ll hand write five thank-you notes to people who have done something generous or kind for me.

Then I’ll get to work. On November 9, I’ll be putting the finishing touches on the Lake Norcentra Park project for Rochester College in 2016. We’re getting ready to start painting an 1800-square foot mural with volunteers from the community. Christine Gibson, a children’s book illustrator, designed the mural that won a public contest that drew close to 16,000 votes. We’ll paint the mural in a big indoor studio over the winter, then install it at Lake Norcentra Park in the spring. It may go down as the best and most popular community project I’ve ever developed and led.

On November 9, I’ll also be working on a budget and a plan for spending the more than $100,000 that the community and Michigan Economic Development Corporation donated to Lake Norcentra Park this year. Every penny will go into building or repairing something in the park. The community paid for it, so we want the park to be ready for the community to enjoy by next spring.

I’ll pick up Daniel from preschool at 4 p.m. If the weather is nice, we’ll head over to the park for an hour or two. If the weather is cold and wet, we’ll go to a big indoor playground that Daniel enjoys. Around 6 p.m., we’ll get chicken noodle soup at Panera, then head to Bible class at our church around 7 p.m. When Bible class is over, we like to enjoy the company of our church friends in the lobby until we head home at around 8:30 p.m.

When Daniel and I get home around 9 p.m., my wife, Tracy, will meet us. We’ll read Daniel stories, say prayers with him, sing him some songs and let him sleep. Then Tracy and I will pop a bowl of popcorn and watch ‘Modern Family’ reruns until 11 p.m. I’ll do some quick journaling about the day and write out my plan for the next day before turning out the lights at 11:30 p.m. and sleeping happy and sound.

And that’s what I’ll do if Clinton wins on November 8.


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