Pornography is everywhere

It’s more than nude pictures and sex videos online.

It’s any fake thing that takes the place of the real thing.

It’s spending an hour a day reading sports websites (guilty) instead of going out and living like a champion myself (so hard I’m afraid I might fail).

It’s the empty calories of a big cookie and hot chocolate at 2 p.m. in the afternoon (guilty) instead of eating an apple, drinking some tea, and going for a walk (which would actually make me feel better).

It’s hanging out in my inbox for 90 minutes at a time (guilty) instead of going out and finding new clients face-to-face (afraid they might reject me).

It’s watching an hour of TV with my wife every night (guilty) instead of having deep conversations (might be misunderstanding).

It’s going to church religiously (guilty) instead of giving away all that own to the poor, holding dirty and sick people close to my heart, and practicing forgiveness (might end up just like them).

I’m addicted to fake. God help me learn to live for the real. God help me to go into the scary places where true life and true love are found.


Now read this


Can you remember the last time someone fixed their eyes on your eyes, grasped your hand, pulled you in a little closer, and…thanked you? I mean the kind of thanks you could feel coming through like a current. As if life force was flowing... Continue →