Write now.

My three-year old, Daniel, woke up at 6 a.m. this morning.

That happens to be the middle of my reading/reflection/writing time.

He wanted to watch Disney Junior. I turned on the TV and turned to go back upstairs to my writing corner.

He called out to me: “Dad, I want to sit on your lap. I want you to watch a show with me.”

I didn’t want to watch ‘Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.’ I wanted to write.

On a dime, I headed back to the couch and let Daniel curl up on my lap.

This morning, I wrote. Not on a computer screen or page, but on my son’s heart and in his memory.

Whether or not you consider yourself a writer, you ARE writing every day.

Every person with whom you have contact has a big (or small) part of their personal story that comes from you.

The question is not IF you will write, but HOW and WHAT and for WHOM.


Now read this

What will you do with your sabbatical?

Have you ever dreamed of taking a sabbatical? For most of us, dreaming of such a thing is like dreaming of a surprise inheritance or winning the lottery. “But,” we think to ourselves. “That will never happen for me! A sabbatical is just... Continue →