The golden age of America
The founding of the United States of America is in the future, not in the past.
America is pursuit.
And pursuit, by nature, is about the future. It is about what could be.
The Founder and Framers knew this. They drew up a crude blueprint and a rough sketch. They admitted that what they designed was imperfect. Incomplete. Unfinished.
But they were OK with this for two reasons.
First, they wanted to give the generations that followed the best chance to keep up the pursuit.
The pursuit of what?
An idea.
Liberty and justice for all.
The Founders and Framers knew that those who came before them and that their own generation failed to live up to that idea. They knew that it would be up to future generations to find a way to live up to the American idea.
Second, the Founders and Framers were OK with leaving us an incomplete and imperfect blueprint because they feared that future...