What would happen if we got rid of all the Democrats (or Republicans)?
What would your life be like if you were missing your thumbs?
Think about it: So much of what you are able to do with your hands is all because you have opposable thumbs.
That is: You can place your thumb opposite the four fingers of the same hand. This lets you grasp and handle things.
Think about it: So much of what you do depends on your fingers having an opponent. Your life as you know it depends on healthy opposition happening all day, every day.
Would you give that up?
When God brought my wife and I together, he gave each of us an opponent in the same way he gave a thumb to the fingers. Without Tracy, I would be so much less than what I am. Yes, she affirms and encourages me, but she also challenges me, makes me think different, and pushes back on the parts of me that are immature.
Even though she makes it hard on me sometimes, I wouldn’t give her up. The two of us...