What would happen if we got rid of all the Democrats (or Republicans)?

What would your life be like if you were missing your thumbs?

Think about it: So much of what you are able to do with your hands is all because you have opposable thumbs.

That is: You can place your thumb opposite the four fingers of the same hand. This lets you grasp and handle things.

Think about it: So much of what you do depends on your fingers having an opponent. Your life as you know it depends on healthy opposition happening all day, every day.

Would you give that up?

When God brought my wife and I together, he gave each of us an opponent in the same way he gave a thumb to the fingers. Without Tracy, I would be so much less than what I am. Yes, she affirms and encourages me, but she also challenges me, makes me think different, and pushes back on the parts of me that are immature.

Even though she makes it hard on me sometimes, I wouldn’t give her up. The two of us together are better than one of us alone.

Do you have anyone like that in your life?

Would you give her or him up?

From the start, the United States of America has been made up of opposable parts: Capital and labor, change-lovers and change-skeptics, city and country, people who believe government is the problem and people who believe government is the solution.

What makes the United States of America great is that it is set up to make the best use of its opposable parts. Other nations cut off their own thumbs, but in America, we believe in the benefits of opposable parts.

The two-party system is a good example. Rather than see the two parties as what is wrong with America, we should remember our own opposable thumbs. All of the greatness our country achieved over the last 220 years is because of its opposable parts–the two-party system.

When we’re doing it right in America, we celebrate differences for how those differences make us all better. We thank God for our opposable parts. We thank God for our opponents like an index finger thanks God for a thumb. We enjoy how our opponents bring out the best in us.

But here is the warning: When we seek to destroy, punish, shame, and wipe out our opponents, it is the same as cutting off our own fingers.

Hating our opponents makes all of us weaker. It makes the hater the worst version of herself. It breaks down the Republic’s abilities and its dexterity.

Listen to me: Democrats are Americans. Good Americans. Every bit as worthy of this country as Republicans. If America is to be the best version of itself, Republicans need Democrats.

Likewise, Republicans are Americans. Good Americans. Every bit as worthy of this country as Democrats. If America is to the be the best version of itself, Democrats need Republicans.

The best policy comes out of what opponents work out together.

Think of whoever is opposite you and thank God for them. They are made by God in God’s own image. They are given life and placed here in this very time, not only to live their lives, but to help you live your life better and fuller.

If you love your country and if you love your God, give thanks for opposable parts and then get to work trying to work with them.


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