A few days go, I started feeling achy and tired. My head drifted into a fog. My doctor sent me to get a COVID test on October 2. I await the results.
Whether the tests come back negative or positive, I feel like the fatigue and heaviness I feel are not biological; they are spiritual.
I feel under the weather in my spirit.
I note that the more I expose myself to the news and social media, the more my spirit feels feverish and weak.
It is as if I am absorbing all of the anger and fear that I see in the world.
What about you? Do you feel it, too?
What is the antidote?
I can tell you what will not neutralize the poison.
Taking in more news and more social media will not make things better. If you keep searching for hope in those places, you will not find it.
Voting for one candidate or another will neither comfort nor heal you.
Beating whoever you count as your opponent will...