What is Labor Day to the Christian?
The Gospel of Matthew 20:1-16 records a story that Jesus told in his day.
You can read the story for yourself here.
Farms and farmers’ markets were the heart of the economy in Jesus’s time.
Farmers grew food and sold it at markets in the cities.
When farmers needed a labor force to work on their farms, they hired day laborers from the cities.
Likewise, when people in the cities needed money to buy food from the farmers’ markets, they hired themselves out to work on the farms.
So, the story Jesus told is one that would sound so normal to people that it would almost be boring…until the surprise twist at the end of the story.
In this story, a farmer needed laborers to work in his vineyard. So, as any farmer would do, he went to the public square in the nearest town. There, he would find people waiting from someone to hire them for the day.
In this story, the farmer went to the...