“Make America Safe Again” is a lie
This morning, I read the theme of tonight’s Republican National Convention: “Make America Safe Again.”
America has never been safe.
Anything transcendent, anything truly valuable or worthy in life cannot be safe.
Beauty. Creativity. Expression. Freedom. Love.
We neither gain nor keep these things by playing it safe. The truth is, we have to risk everything. Lay it all on the line. And it never stops. It’s a choice we have to make again and again, day in and day out.
And eventually, we will lose it all. Beauty will fade. Creativity comes and goes. Sometimes people will like what you express (and like you for it). Sometimes they will hate what you express (and hate you for it). Sometimes we give up our freedom (hello, parenthood).
A lifetime of love with a friend or mate ends in someone’s death.
So, you see, what makes life most alive is also what makes life dangerous. Tragic.