Can you plan creativity?

Creativity (and the joy of it) may be the outcome of a plan, but it can never be the plan itself.

Following a plan is not creativity.

Creativity is going in a direction. You’re going north. That’s a direction. Creativity is how you respond to what you encounter along the way. It’s all the little detours and long cuts and side roads you take.

Following a plan caps the number of people along for the ride. It confines the route to the shortest point between A and B. It may allow for a fuel stop or restroom break at a stopping point we identify in advance, but we’re on a strict schedule so no time to explore.

You may arrive at your destination ahead of schedule or right on time. Recognize, however, that when it comes to creativity your destination is the end of life itself. The creative act reaches its end.

So if you truly want to be a creative person living a creative life, it has to be about the journey, not the destination.

Find the north star, keep a map handy (for occasional use), and strike out.

Creativity is the adventure of finding your way.


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