The leader that matters

Governors and presidents matter.

If we didn’t know that before, we know it now.

An important fact: Governors and presidents are employees. We hire them to do a job. If they do it well, we let them keep the job. If they don’t do it well, we fire them and hire someone else. It’s that simple.

The time will come to decide if the employees we chose to manage our affairs are doing their jobs well.

But, as the old saying goes: “Don’t change horses in the middle of the stream.” The employees we hired to lead us will have to do.

Governors and presidents matter; but there is a leader who matters more.

That leader is you.

Be careful to not waste your emotions, energy, and time on finding fault with other leaders. When you do that, you fail to be a leader yourself.

Your circle of family and friends and neighbors need you to lead now. They need you to give them help and hope. They need you to be excellent so that you can set a course and set a tone for them. They need you to do what you can with what you have to see them through.

Get a brief report on what your employees (governors and presidents) are doing today. File it away for the day when you get to fire or rehire them.

But give most of yourself to what you are doing for those who need you now.

Because the leader they–and you–need…is you.


Now read this

What is really happening in American politics

I think the real heart of the matter in American politics is this: How should we, as a society, care for the marginal, vulnerable, and weak? I believe the fuel for our anger in this country is that all of us feel marginal, vulnerable,... Continue →