Madonna, Miley, Melania, and Nazis

If we’re fair-minded, level-headed people (like we claim), let’s make a pact: We need to ignore “tabloid stuff.”

Madonna’s speech at the #WomensMarch was Exhibit ‘A’ for a lot of people making a case against the protest. I agree with them. The celebrities who “made appearances” at the march were gratuitous. It doesn’t help when I’m trying to convince a friend of mine that the march is for women’s dignity and he sends me six photos of Miley Cyrus doing what Miley Cyrus does.

Please ignore celebrities. They don’t represent us. Let’s focus on each other.

Barron Trump is off limits. Any kid is off limits. If you take to the media to make fun of a ten-year old, you deserve to be grounded. You don’t speak for me or most of us who are parents. Besides, Barron Trump is not the point. What his father is doing is the point.

On that matter, the relationship between Donald and Melania Trump is none of our business. I’ve seen the GIFs of how he treated her on Inauguration Day. Sure, it doesn’t look good. But what happens between them is speculation. Their marriage is not the point. Policy is the point.

Please ignore tabloid stuff. It distracts us from what matters: Each other. How “We the People” are going to self-govern this country. How Christians are going to go about their God-given ministry of reconciliation.

Christians, don’t sucker punch Nazis. Jesus Christ was a pacifist and would never condone that behavior. “Love your enemies…”

Non-Christians, well…


Now read this

The preacher’s last sermon

I’m typing this next to my dad’s deathbed. I feel weird about that word–“deathbed”–but it is the correct word for the bed and the scene just beside me here. Dad and I once tried to figure out how many sermons he preached in his lifetime.... Continue →