Satanic messages

“There you go again.”

Accusing words.

Familiar words?

In whose voice do you hear them?

A parent’s? A spouse’s? A boss’s or preacher’s or teacher’s?

Your own?

“There you go again. You’re never going to change.”

“All you’ll ever be is a _____________” [fill in the blank: big talker, creep, dimwit, disappointment, faker, fat slob, failure, flake, slut, user, etc.].

Have you heard this?

If you’re like me, you’ve heard it a dozen times in the last hour.

Every cookie I eat, every deadline I don’t make, every hour I waste on social media, every project that isn’t perfect, every task I don’t cross off my to-do list, every woman in yoga pants I ogle, every workout I skip.

Jesus Christ came to show us that the great test of our lives is not to cross off our to-dos and make our deadlines, eat right and exercise, and keep our imaginations dry and sexuality sterile.

It’s the pursuit of perfection–perfect bodies, careers, families, morals, “personal brands,” etc.–that gives breath and a long list of sins for the satanic voice to harass us like a debt collector.

The Christ comes as an advocate, not as a prosecutor.

The Christ comes not to burden you, but to give you “rest for your soul.” “Light and easy for your sake,” as he says.

The Christ comes with a message from heaven: “You will live. You will live abundantly even in your imperfections because I love you perfectly.”

The fundamental question that the Christ asks again and again is: “Who will you believe? What voice will be the one that you choose to shape your life? Will it be the voice of prosecution? Or the voice of love?”

It is impossible for the Christ to say: “There you go again” or “You’ll never change.” Those are not words that the Christ can say to you because you could never find them in the Christ’s heart. They are not there.

When you hear the words “There you go again” or “You’ll never change,” know that they come from a place opposite the heart of God. They are prosecutorial words. God is not a prosecutor. The biblical word for “prosecutor” is “satan.”

“There you go again” and “You’ll never change” come straight from the mouth of Satan and the pit of hell.

“There you go again” or “I love you and will be with you always.”

Whose words will you believe today?


Now read this

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