Easy and hard

It’s easy to be nice to people. It’s hard to be intimate with them.

It’s easy to read data on demographics. It’s hard to get to know someone who is different from me.

It’s easy to go to church once or twice a week. It’s hard to be the church every minute of every day.

It’s easy to volunteer once in awhile. It’s hard to let people help me in my deepest need.

It’s easy to make a prayer list. It’s hard to actually pray.

It’s easy to watch TV. It’s hard to make a great life story.

It’s easy to talk about politics. It’s hard to be an engaged citizen.

It’s easy to talk about religion. It’s hard to be a practitioner of faith.

It’s easy to watch porn. It’s hard to make love with a real human being.

It’s easy to watch a Hallmark movie (same as porn). It’s hard to be in a relationship through the difficulties of real life.

It’s easy to state an opinion before our friends on Facebook. It’s hard to tell the truth in love when we’re looking our enemy in the eye.

It’s easy to memorize Bible verses. It’s hard to practice a Christian life.

It’s easy to solve other people’s problems. It’s hard to solve my own.

It’s easy to raise other people’s children. It’s hard to raise my own.

It’s easy to be busy. It’s hard to be fulfilled.

It’s easy to stand against. It’s hard to stand for.

It’s easy to daydream. It’s hard to do.

The life you wish you could have is easy; the life you have is hard.

Which will you choose?


Now read this

Friends with “repugnant” opinions

Photo by DJ Paine on Unsplash This morning, I had a random thought about an old friend who came through for me at a time when I needed all the friendship I could get. I don’t know why I thought of her this morning. Maybe it was the snow... Continue →