Do when you can’t say

Sometimes, I don’t feel the feeling of love.

Sometimes, I feel angry, confused, or hurt.

Sometimes, my body language, my eyes, and my tone of voice belie whatever comes out of my mouth. The spoken language of love is discordant when unspoken language is in a minor key.

So there is only one thing to do when you cannot speak love: Act love instead.

Do what you cannot bring yourself to say.

When sentiment fails, serve instead.

Nothing revives the sentiments of love better and faster than the actions of love. The truth is, love is not love if it’s feeling only. Love is true when love is doing things. Love does not depend on sentiment because service does not depend on sentiment. You choose love when you choose to serve.

Don’t let bad feelings or no feelings be an excuse; choose to love. Just do it.


Now read this

Fresh coffee

About two years ago, I began keeping a daily journal. Every morning before the sun comes up, I fill one page with thanksgiving. Whatever gratitude brings to mind, I write it on the page in no order. Going back through several hundred... Continue →