The Devil

I don’t think I believe in the devil anymore. At least not the one who could pass for a comic book villain.

But let’s say the devil is real. Let’s say he is the comic book super villain, the “Dark Side of the Force,” God’s archenemy. Let’s say the devil’s mission and purpose is to wreck this world and everyone in it. Let’s say your destruction is his obsession. Yes, you. He’s working overtime to tempt and trick you into self-destruction.

If we say this is true, then here are a couple of other things that must be true, too:

If the devil is bent on destroying the human race, he’s not very good at his job. Of all the people on earth, 0.8 percent die each year. Meanwhile, more than twice that number are born each year.

Or maybe the devil is really good at his job (for evidence, please scan today’s news). But God is just so much better at his job. For every person who dies, 125 live and 2.4 are born. Oh, and there’s that whole resurrection of the dead and “I am making all things new” thing (Revelation 25.1), too.

Another thing that must be true if the devil is supernatural villain out to get you: You must be mighty important in this world. I mean, if he can pick you out of a lineup of 7.4 billion people and take the time to plot your downfall, you must be capable of making such a huge difference in this world. Do you understand what I’m writing here? If the devil is tempting and tricking every human being alive, he’s got you plus 7,399,999,999 to tempt and trick. Why would he bother with you unless you have something so important and so unique in all of humanity that he must neutralize you.

Now, if you’re that important to the devil, imagine how much more important you are to God. If the devil goes to such great things to bring you down, how much farther do you think God will go to lift you up?

Grace and peace.


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My three-year old, Daniel, woke up at 6 a.m. this morning. That happens to be the middle of my reading/reflection/writing time. He wanted to watch Disney Junior. I turned on the TV and turned to go back upstairs to my writing corner. He... Continue →