Where to see the Christ alive and well in the world today

When the Christ lived as a human being, he befriended people who most people knew not to befriend.

He said things that most people dared not say. Things like: “Your sins are forgiven.”

He touched people that most people knew better than to touch.

He went places that most people were smart enough to avoid.

Just look at him in the Gospels: Always doing or saying the wrong things with the wrong people in the wrong places.

His love made him do it. It turns out that the Christ loves those in the wrong as much as he loves those in the right.

Those “in the right,” however, didn’t think they needed a Christ. So the Christ went to those who were so far gone they already gave up on a Christ ever coming for them.

What a surprise the Christ turned out to be!

These days, who are the people most of us know not to befriend?

These days, what are the things people are aching to hear, but most of us are afraid to say?

These days, who are the people most of us don’t want to touch?

These days, what are the places that most of us are smart enough to avoid?

These days, who do we see love moving them to do the “wrong” things with the “wrong” people in the “wrong” places?

Those we see doing as the Christ did when he was a human being are the ones doing as the Christ does now as Spirit among us. They are the ones who let love carry them any distance for those who are “too far gone.”

We know where, and among whom, to find the Spirit of the Christ alive in the world.

But do we dare?

Grace and peace.


Now read this

Grown men cry

Photo by Gadiel Lazcano on Unsplash Why is it a rule that “grown men don’t cry”? I think the spirit of the rule must come from something like what happened between my nine-year old son and me this morning. I got up early on a Saturday,... Continue →