Tracy loves

“Tracy loves. Tracy loves.”

That’s what Marilyn said one summer eleven years ago. Tracy and I were just coworkers then, but we were coworkers becoming fast friends.

By autumn, the leaves were falling and so was I.

On October 5, 2006, Tracy agreed to go on a “real” date. Two years later, on October 3, 2008, we came together in marriage to form a new family.

“Tracy loves. Tracy loves.”

Marilyn knew the facts at the time, but she didn’t know that Tracy’s love is actually something like a miracle, a superpower.

For nine years, I’ve seen “Tracy loves” put to the test again and again.

At least a million of those tests came from me.

But Tracy loves still.

That’s what she does. That’s what she is.

Her love is so unexpected that it seems to be channeling through her from some place beyond the edge of the universe. A divine love from a divine somewhere coming into our world through Tracy.

And I’m the guy who won the cosmic lottery. I get to be next to her when that divine love comes streaming through from heaven to earth.

“Tracy loves. Tracy loves.”

What can I tell you about that after nine years of marriage?

I can tell you that Tracy loves when loving is the hardest thing to do. She loves over and against disappointment, failure, loss, and sins against her. She loves even what is unlovable and unloving toward her.

She doesn’t love for the love she gets back.

She loves because that is who she is.

Tracy loves. Tracy loves.


Now read this

Better than dying for you…

The Good News–what Christians like me call “The Gospel”–is not that Jesus died. No, that is the bad news. Who would say it is good news to see their Hero die for crimes he didn’t commit? Who would say it is good news to see their Hope... Continue →