Faith at 40

At age 10, faith was something that happened in the ancient past. At 20, it was anticipation of the future. At 40, it’s what gets me through the present.

At age 10, faith was a word devout old men used at church. At 20, it was an idea to discuss with cute Christian girls at the coffee house near campus. At 40, “faith” hangs out with “balance due,” “test results,” “we need to talk,” and any question that begins with: “Dad, why…?”

At age 10, faith was how Dad and Mom made presents appear under the Christmas tree. At 20, it was my “Plan B” if “Plan A” didn’t work. At 40, faith is figuring out how presents appear for my son under the Christmas tree.

At age 10, I knew faith as well as I knew my parents’ financial planner. At 20, it was an acquaintance I saw once and awhile at campus Bible studies. At 40, faith is my best friend and constant companion.

At age 10, faith was nothing. At 20, it was something. At 40, faith is becoming everything.


Now read this

Better than dying for you…

The Good News–what Christians like me call “The Gospel”–is not that Jesus died. No, that is the bad news. Who would say it is good news to see their Hero die for crimes he didn’t commit? Who would say it is good news to see their Hope... Continue →