Thank God when the hits keep coming

It means you’re worthy of testing.

Or you’re ready for growth like you never imagined possible.

Even if you don’t believe God has anything to do with it (maybe he doesn’t), you can still choose what you believe about a losing streak.

Believe that it is an opportunity to be the best you can be in the face of the worst that can come at you. You cannot control circumstances or people. Sometimes you cannot control your own body and its impulses.

But when the hits keep coming–from within or without–do this: Breathe. Give thanks. Stand as straight as you can. And hit back with all the love you’ve got.

This is your time for glory.


Now read this

Friends with “repugnant” opinions

Photo by DJ Paine on Unsplash This morning, I had a random thought about an old friend who came through for me at a time when I needed all the friendship I could get. I don’t know why I thought of her this morning. Maybe it was the snow... Continue →