Spiritual moments

I don’t know about “spiritual moments.”

“Spiritual” is open to a broad range of definitions.

Thankful moments are more common and familiar to me.

These are moments when the gratitude in my heart bubbles up like an artesian spring. Sometimes it comes on so strong I get that tension in my shoulders and chest that normally comes just before crying.

I’m a believer in a God who is personal and present and wildly interested.

However, you don’t have to believe in God to know that feeling of gratitude that sometimes comes over you like a warm wave. Being thankful doesn’t require you to know the person or thing you’re thanking.

In what moments do you fall in thankfulness like you fall in love?

For me (this is not an exhaustive list by any means):

It’s any moment my three-year old son climbs into my lap, gives me a hug and a kiss, laughs, smiles, or talks. In short, anything he does is like an arrow through my heart.

It’s long, deep, personal conversations with good friends while enjoying a meal together. The longer we sit at the table after the meal, the richer the time. Icing on the cake is the sound of children playing in the background.

It’s coming together every week with fellow pilgrims to share our lives of faith, hope, and love.

It’s drinking a fresh cup of coffee and writing as I watch the sun come up every morning. The feeling intensifies in the summer, when the windows are open and I can feel morning breeze and hear birds singing.

It’s any time in nature. I’m captivated by the beauty and genius of nature while being terrified of what it can do to me. Thus, nature represents God pretty well. Time in the woods is like time in the temple.

It’s making anything. From making frozen waffles for my son to making a 14-acre community park. I’m convinced nothing in all of life comes closer to fulfilling our human soul like making things. We were made to be makers.

It’s enjoying art. All of it. From going to a concert to reading a great book to visiting an art gallery to watching my son build things with his toys. It’s all art and it’s all beautiful and wonderful.

The great thing about all this: These moments can and do happen every day. Every day is brimming with moments that inspire thanks.

And if overwhelming thanks is what “spiritual” feels like, then our lives are overwhelmingly spiritual every day.


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Friends with “repugnant” opinions

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