Rising to the wrong top

Get more done today until you reach exhaustion…or receive with gratitude the beauty and love and wonder of life until you reach elation.

Punish your body for not looking like it belongs on a magazine cover…or love your body for all it does to cover for you while you go about your life.

Work your way up to being the boss so you’re finally alone at the top…or work for joy and love so that more and more people want to draw near to your glow.

Earn a million bucks someday…or live like a million bucks every day.

Get a prestigious school to confer a master of arts on you…or master the art of living and loving (at a fraction of the cost).

Buy a house in a trendy neighborhood…or make a home where family, friends, neighbors, and total strangers want to visit again and again.

Write a New York Times bestseller…or live a life that your children and grandchildren will talk about long after the world forgets.


Now read this

(COVID) Christmastime is here

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash I’m writing this two days before Christmas 2023. Yesterday, we found out that my son, Daniel, has more than a cold; he has COVID. He’ll get over it. Our plans for Christmas, however, will not.... Continue →