Presidential power

The power of the one who presides.

The power of the one in the position of authority.

The power of the one in the position to decide, to determine, to direct.

The power of the one in the position to decide, to determine, to direct. In what matters?

What matters…to you?

Do you decide, determine, and direct what matters to you?

Then you must be in the position to do so.

The position of authority over what matters to you.

The power to preside over what matters.

Presidential power.

You have it from God from birth.

Don’t forget.

Don’t forget to use it.


Now read this

What I’ll do if Trump wins

When I get up at 5:30 a.m. on Wednesday, November 9, I’ll do my morning journaling and writing. I’ll make breakfast for Daniel (Waffle Wednesday!) and get us both ready for the day. We’ll make the 30-minute commute to Daniel’s preschool.... Continue →