There is good news, outside

If you want to know God, go outside.

That is what Jesus Christ said to do, as the Gospel of Matthew has it in Chapter 6, verses 25 to 34.

Want a sermon that will change your life? A sermon you’ll never forget?

Do you want some good news for a change?

Go outside right now. Take ten minutes. Be quiet. Listen. Look.

Concentrate on the nature you feel and hear and see.

Listen to the birds sing. Watch them do what they do.

Study a blade of grass or a flower or a leaf.

If you let it happen, these things will preach to you a sermon without words.

Their message will bypass your mind and go straight to your soul.

What will that message be?

I can’t tell you. It’s a message just for you.

What are you waiting for?

Go outside and let the Gospel find you there.

Grace and peace.


Now read this

Missing persons

A close friend of many of my friends is missing since last week. I only know her as an acquaintance. Yet news of her disappearance alarmed me as if I woke in the morning to find that my front door was standing open all night. As a... Continue →