Only the wrong kinds of people care what you oppose (don’t be one of them)

Only cranks and curmudgeons care about what you oppose.

Most people want to know what you’re for.

And what they really want to know is: Are you for them?

Not their politics. Not their religion. Not their stance on an issue.

Them. As fellow human beings struggling with the same fears, shortcomings, and weaknesses with which you struggle.

If you’re for them, how will they know if all they know about you is what you oppose? Or if what you say you are for makes it convenient and easy for you to avoid actually having a relationship with them?

What does humanity need now?

More opponents and proponents?

Or more friends and neighbors?

Make the courageous choice.


Now read this

Friends with “repugnant” opinions

Photo by DJ Paine on Unsplash This morning, I had a random thought about an old friend who came through for me at a time when I needed all the friendship I could get. I don’t know why I thought of her this morning. Maybe it was the snow... Continue →