No magic without danger

Magic. Romance. Wonder.

Ever ask God for any of this? You’ll find these words over and over again in my prayer journal.

Money. Safety. Stuff.

Ever ask God for any of these? You’ll find these words in my prayer journal, too.

Funny (and wrongheaded):

Since when does God give magic by giving money?

Since when does God give romance by giving safety?

Since when does God give wonder by giving more stuff?

God knows: We can’t buy our way into the sacred.

All those safeguards we rig up to insure ourselves against loss may only insure us against anything really worth gaining.

God can do almost anything.

But even God cannot give us cake that we can have and eat, too.

We have to make up our minds what we want from God:


Or magic?


Now read this

When my marriage felt like it could be ending, it was really just beginning

“You should talk about whether it’s a good idea for you to get married.” This is the bomb the counselor dropped on my fiancee, Tracy, and me when we were just a few weeks from our wedding. To get married at the church where Tracy grew... Continue →