How does America know we are the church of Christ?

How does America know the church of Christ is the church of Christ?

The Christ himself said: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (Gospel of John 13:35).

Clear as a bell.

To make it more clear, Jesus showed what he meant by “love one another.”

He washed his disciples’ feet and told them to do the same for each other (Gospel of John 13:1-17).

“I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” (Gospel of John 13:15).

So, then, the love Jesus’s disciples in America are to have for one another is the kind of love that washes feet. Down on hands and knees, five senses, full contact, personal, vulnerable.

In America, the church of Christ has “blue” people and “red” people. It has conservatives and liberals. It has city folks and country folks. It has Democrats and Republicans. It has people of color and white people. It has poor people and rich people.

In America, people who want power for themselves are stirring up anger and hatred among these groups. Far too many are willing to follow these false prophets into fire and darkness.

If America is to see the church of Christ being the church of Christ, it will find us down on our hands and knees washing our opponents’ feet. It will find that we are neither canceling nor shouting, but listening to each other for understanding. It will find us pledging to not only say nothing slanderous against our brothers and sisters “on the other side,” but defending them when others do slander them.

For this to happen, we Christians need to seek out our brothers and sisters who are political opponents to wash their feet. If we are to be true disciples of Jesus Christ, we cannot leave this to chance or say “after the election.” As Jesus took it upon himself to wash feet, we have to make our mission as members of the church of Christ to do the same.

If we are truly serious about the way and witness of Jesus Christ in America, we need to stop listening to the commentators and politicians and start listening to our Christ. He told us how his way and witness will grow strong in us in this country:

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”


Now read this

Ode to Tracy on her birthday (or the “heathen temptress” who turned out to be my angel of light)

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