Life to the full (of trouble)

This morning, a friend of mine sent along some bad news that inspired me.

It wasn’t bad news on the level of “your cancer is back,” but one of those little things (a child with a fever) that can ruin plans for an entire day.

I thought: One of the surest signs that we’re alive is that we have trouble. As long as kids are getting fevers, speakers are canceling at the last minute, and spouses are angry because of misunderstandings, I must be alive.

The moment these things stop, I’m no longer here. I’m no longer living.

Jesus said it himself: “In this world you will have trouble” (Gospel of John 16:33.

And, if I take Jesus at his word, I know that I will have abundant trouble. After all, he promised abundant life (Gospel of John 10:10). If trouble is a vital sign that we are alive, then abundant trouble may be a sign that we are living life abundantly.

Jesus promised abundant life. He also promised trouble. Abundant life. Abundant trouble.

Why would anyone sign up to follow someone who offers that deal?

Jesus promised one more thing: Peace.

He said: “In me you may have peace” (Gospel of John 16:33).

To be in Jesus Christ is not to be free from abundant trouble. Indeed, to be in Jesus Christ is to invite more trouble into our lives. But Jesus promised that for all the trouble that comes our way, he has “overcome” it all (Gospel of John 16:33). Thus, he has peace to give us that is great enough that we, too, will “overcome” our troubles.

So, let us give thanks for our troubles. They are signs that we are alive and may be signs that we are in Christ.

And let us relax and rest in the peace of our Christ who overcomes.

Grace and peace.


Now read this

The preacher’s last sermon

I’m typing this next to my dad’s deathbed. I feel weird about that word–“deathbed”–but it is the correct word for the bed and the scene just beside me here. Dad and I once tried to figure out how many sermons he preached in his lifetime.... Continue →