Good news

Can you think of a time in your life when the shadow of death was breathing down your neck like this?

Can you think of a time in your life when death seemed to be closing like a crypt over the whole world?

I have good news.

The buds on our crabapple tree are as fat as kernels of corn about to pop.

The first lightning and thunder of spring came last night with a steady rain.

Spears of green are thrusting through dead, grey leaves on the ground.

Each morning, a few more birds chatter and sing than the morning before.

The blue of the sky is changing from the pale, tight blue of winter to the richer, warmer blue of summer to come.

The air outside feels more electric as it flows into the lungs.

The chipmunk that was entombed under our deck for the winter…he is risen! He is risen indeed…and now busy doing whatever chipmunks do. I can see him right now as I type this.

Look and you’ll see it plain as day: The end of all things is not death; it is life.

Even now as death is whispering in our ears, life is shouting out “good morning, everybody, I’m here!”

Even now as thoughts of death are eating at us, life is eating death for breakfast and going back for seconds.

Do you want to know how this ends?

Go outside and you will see the good news you seek: It ends in life.

Grace and peace.


Now read this

Fresh coffee

About two years ago, I began keeping a daily journal. Every morning before the sun comes up, I fill one page with thanksgiving. Whatever gratitude brings to mind, I write it on the page in no order. Going back through several hundred... Continue →