For or against?

Better to be for than against.

When you’re against something, it means someone else set the agenda and took the initiative.

Once you’re against something, you step out on a slippery slope. You frantically throw reactions after someone else’s pro-actions.

Being against rarely calms; it usually escalates.

Being against has almost no room for cooperation, empathy, and unity.

Habitually being against can form your entire being around negativity, obstruction, and opposition. You reek of it.

Time keeps moving forward. Against tries to chain it to a rock.

Even when there are so many things to be against, it is better to choose to be for.

When you’re for something, you make a free choice about what is worthwhile. You set the agenda. You take the initiative. You become the leader others seek.

When you’re for something, you set and stay the course and invite others to come with you.

When you’re for something, others are attracted to what you are doing. You are naturally open to the contributions and participation of others.

When you’re for something, you find more common ground with others who are for their own things. You match positivity to positivity.

When you’re for something, you form your entire being around “Yes! Let’s find a way! Whatever it takes!”

When you’re for something, you not only move with time, you set the pace for it. You create the future.

What your family, your community, your house of worship, your school, your business, and your country need now is for you to be for something.

Make the choice. It’s yours.

Onward and upward.


Now read this

Why I’m talking politics for the first time in 20 years

This week I announced to my social media network that I will vote for Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. Over my adult life, I’ve made it a point to keep politics to myself for the most part. I think I chose to be... Continue →