Finding fault by default

The people who complain about the cold in the winter will be the same people who complain about allergies in the spring, heat in the summer, and the leaves they have to rake in the fall.

The people who make excuses for what they can’t do are the same people who criticize like hell the people who actually try to do something.

The people who play the victim when they’re down will throw themselves in front of a bus when things are up.

The people who don’t have enough when money is tight will still not have enough when money is flowing.

The people who don’t like themselves when they’re fat will not like themselves any more when they’re skinny.

The people who love you when you’re a winner will love someone else when they’re the winner.

The people who are best at pointing out sin are the same people who are best at doing sin (I should be nervous on this point–I just spent seven paragraphs pointing out other people’s sins).

Each of us has a default. We like to think that we would change if our circumstances would change (better job, different boss, less weight, more money, etc.). You know this is not true. Each of us has a default.

The good news is that we have the power to choose our default. We can form ourselves and practice how we behave and feel and think despite our circumstances. We can choose to be cheerful, compassionate, generous, grateful, and kind in all circumstances.

“Do not conform to the pattern [default] of this world ["blame and bombs away”], but be transformed [new default] by the renewing of your minds [practice something new]. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will [an abundant, joyous, peaceful, wise way of life].“ Romans 12.2.


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(COVID) Christmastime is here

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash I’m writing this two days before Christmas 2023. Yesterday, we found out that my son, Daniel, has more than a cold; he has COVID. He’ll get over it. Our plans for Christmas, however, will not.... Continue →