It’s easy to say…

It’s easy to say I want to be smart, but do I put my mind under the strain it takes to make it so?

It’s easy to say I want to be healthful and strong. Do I put my body through the pain it takes to make it so?

It’s easy to say I want to be successful. Do I put myself through the repeated failure and setbacks it takes to make it so?

It’s easy to say I want intimacy. Do I expose myself to heartbreak and vulnerability to make it so?

It’s easy to say I want faith. Do I do the good, but irrational-looking and scary things that make it so?


Now read this

What is really happening in American politics

I think the real heart of the matter in American politics is this: How should we, as a society, care for the marginal, vulnerable, and weak? I believe the fuel for our anger in this country is that all of us feel marginal, vulnerable,... Continue →