Let’s have a Democrat+Republican singalong

Did you know that when people sing together, their heartbeats synchronize?

I learned this little fact last week while listening to an interview with Voxus Experience founder Davin Young.

Young said that when people sing together, they breathe together. Breathing controls the pulse. So when everyone breathes together, their hearts eventually beat together as well.

That got me thinking: What if we got all of us together–left, right, and center–in the public square for a big singalong? We could sing all the songs we know and love together: America the Beautiful, Take Me Out to the Ballgame, Don’t Stop Believin’, Sweet Caroline.

Or what if we got all of us together–left, right, and center–to build a block of Habitat for Humanity homes? Do you think we could work side-by-side as a team to get that done? I do.

What if all of us–left, right, and center–got together every week to play kickball? We could change up the teams every week and, after spirited games, go out for beers and talk about our families and jobs.

What if all of us–left, right, and center–got together for a big potluck meal? Everyone would bring their favorite dish to pass. We could tell stories about what we remember every time we eat that dish.

What if all of us–left, right, and center–just got together to tell stories? Family stories. Funny stories. Stories about first jobs, first loves, first summer vacations. Stories about dreams. Stories about joy. Stories about loss.

Crazy ideas, but maybe not so naive now that you know that little fact about how singing together synchronizes our hearts. And eating. And laughing. And crying. And playing. And volunteering.

Crazy ideas? Maybe not so crazy in crazy times like these.

What do you think?


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