The price of abundant life

What is the message at the heart of Christian faith?

You can put it a lot of different ways.

Here’s one that resonates with me these days: Abundant life is neither bought nor earned; it is freely given and freely received.

This is backwards and upside down if you have any common sense.

Because common sense says you work like hell and worry like crazy and then, maybe, you save up enough money to to take a break once in a while. Common sense says abundance life is something you buy for a couple of weeks a year or on a weekend. You need money and status to afford abundance life. And money and status take a lot of striving and worry.

The problem with common sense is that money runs out. Status is fragile. You’re a hamster on a wheel until one day your heart gives out and you die.

Yes, abundant life as we know it in our culture is expensive and exhausting. It will cost you your health, your relationships, your soul and eventually your very life. But isn’t it worth it? Isn’t it?

“Bullshit,” says the Christ with a shake of his head. “Don’t buy that.”

In fact, don’t buy anything. Because abundant life is free. It’s given for you to freely receive and enjoy. It’s given before you ask for it or work for it. If it’s bought, you can be sure you’re being sold something that doesn’t satisfy your soul and won’t last very long.

The sun comes up every morning. The moon rises in the starry night sky. The birds sing. Seasons change. The world turns. Your lungs breathe in and out. Your heart beats. Your stomach digests. Your brain runs your entire life without you even having to think about it. You are surrounded with life and love at every turn. You are alive and well.

What did any of this cost you? What did you have to do to earn or receive any of this?

It’s all free and it’s all given before you even ask.

It’s given before you do anything to deserve it.

All you have to do is rest, sit still, and take it all in as a gift.

You will discover that abundant life is yours. It always has been and always will be.

This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Believe it and enjoy it because it is God’s pleasure to make it yours yesterday, today, and forever.

Grace and peace.


Now read this

Ode to Tracy on her birthday (or the “heathen temptress” who turned out to be my angel of light)

I tried so hard to talk myself out of liking or loving Tracy. The biggest reason I tried so hard to not like her is that I didn’t imagine she would like me back. I wanted to save myself the heartbreak, so I tried to coax my heart away... Continue →